Saturday, December 31, 2016

Wallpapers: Prayers prescribed by Khalifatul Masih V Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, may Allah be his helper

Wallpapers created by: Sidra Saeed

Ten desktop wallpapers of Prayers prescribed by Caliph and Head of Worldwide Ahmadiyya Jama'at, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, (may Allah be his helper) that we will take with us in 2017.

Happy New Year
Ahmadiyya Muslim Women's Association, Mississauga
May Allah bless the world with eternal peace and enable mankind to live in harmony. May Allah enable us to shed our shortcomings and reform ourselves spiritualy, so we can seek nearness and love of the creator of Heaven and Earth. May peace be upon you all.


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Prayers advised by Khalifatul Masih (may Allah be his helper) - Wallpapers

In the Friday Sermon of October 7, 2016, on the event of Jalsa Salana Canada 2016, Khalifatul Masih V Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper) advised two prayers to be recited regularly.

He said: 
“This prayer has been accepted from the day one. This prayer has been accepted ever since God taught it. Don't live a life of carelessness. This prayer has been taught to be accepted. We should recite this prayer seriously. Hopefully, a person will not face an overpowering calamity if he is not passing his life carelessly. No calamity arrives without a consent. As this prayer was taught to me: "O my lord, everything is subservient to you. So my Lord protect me, help me and have mercy upon me". This prayer should also be frequently recited.”
Hence, we created wallpapers that will allow for you to recite these prayers more often- which is every time you check your phones or work on your laptops.

We hope you benefit from it, Insha’Allah.

Available formats are: Android, iPhone 6, iPhone 5 and HD Desktop wallpaper.


iPhone 5

iPhone 6
HD Desktop


Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Solution to World Peace is True Islam

Islamophobia has drastically taken over the Western world and among the non-Muslim. There is no doubt about the fact that this state of fear has been fueled by the acts of atrocity caused by so-called Muslim groups. At the same time, there is no doubt that these very acts of terrorism and extremism have nothing to do with the true teachings of Islam- for the word ‘Islam’ means peace.  

             The Holy Quran speaks for all the Prophets of God and declares that this very teaching of peace was taught by all of the Prophets. Not only that, it also requires for all Muslims to abide by the teachings with the fundamental amongst them being that they must not only fulfil rights owed to God but just as importantly they must also fulfil the rights of God’s Creation. How then is it possible that on one hand God praised the qualities of all religions for urging mankind to fulfil rights of man but at the same time could enjoin Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to not establish peace in the world? 

Instead of making false assumptions and judging Islam based on hearsay, true justice and fairness requires for an individual to study the religion and try to develop and understanding of the teachings. To try to study the teachings in depth and strive to learn the truth to make an informed decision. The truth in case of Islam can only be learnt from those practicing the true and authentic teachings themselves.  

            Today, it is the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community that alone claims to follow the original and true teachings of Islam. The Ahmadis believe that the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian was the very person who was sent as the Promised Messiah according to the prophecies foretold by Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). He came to revive the luminous teachings of Islam and unite mankind as one. 

            Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) had so much respect for all mankind regardless of race or religion. One incident that highlights such compassion is when once a funeral possession passed by and out of respect he immediately stood up. When a companion of his saw this he said to him, 
This procession is of a Jewish person.” To which Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) replied, Was he not a soul? Respect for all humans is obligatory.” (Sahih Bukhari, 1250) 

           When permission for defensive war was given in Islam, it was given at a time where whilst Muslims desired peace, disbelievers wished to destroy it. Had the permission not be granted to the Muslims, all religions would have been in danger. God Almighty says in the Holy Quran,  
Permission to fight is given to those against whom war is made, because they have been wronged — and Allah indeed has power to help them — Those who have been driven out from their homes unjustly only because they said, ‘Our Lord is Allah’ — And if Allah did not repel some men by means of others, there would surely have been pulled down cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques, wherein the name of Allah is oft commemorated. And Allah will surely help one who helps Him. Allah is indeed Powerful, Mighty” (Holy Quran Chapter 22, Verse 40-41)

This proves that Islam has made the utmost effort to establish peace and safeguard all other religions at the same time. Even with the permission of defensive war, strict guidelines and rules of engagement were given to Muslims which they were compelled to abide by. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) taught that no innocent person, nor woman, child or elderly was to ever be attacked. He taught that no religious leader or priest could be attacked and that those people who were directly engaged in war could be fought. He further taught that no person could be forced or compelled to convert to Islam and Muslims were forced to fight only for the cause of peace and that they must not create fear or terror amongst public. He taught that buildings should not be targeted and that trees should not be felled. 

             Bearing these teachings in mind, evil acts conducted by extremists claiming to be Muslims have nothing to do with teachings of Islam. Fearing Islam or any attempts will not achieve anything or lead to reconciliation or peace. Instead, the solution to global peace is to stop cruelty and oppression wherever it occurs with nothing but justice and equality for all. This can only happen when the world will recognize its Creator and treat His Creation with the rights it deserves. 


Saturday, June 11, 2016

Ramadhan – A time of Sacrifice and Submission

The blessed month of Ramadhan is a time for us to sacrifice our hunger and thirst for the sake of Allah. In order to attain nearness to Allah we resist our body’s natural urge for food and water and we instead enrich our spirituality by nourishing it with Zikr-e-Ilahi, prayers, and the recitation of the Holy Quran. There is another very important aspect of Ramadhan that we must be mindful of. This is the personal Jihad that we must undergo in order to better ourselves, not only for the month of Ramadhan, but forever InshAllah. Just as our physical bodies have a yearning for food and drink, our minds tend to be inclined towards getting easily angered, upset, and/or jealous.  We must strive to suppress these emotions, as they don’t harm anyone as much as their harm ourselves. 

Here is a “Ramadhan Checklist” of all the things that we can try to do in order to win the pleasure of Allah this Ramadhan. Take some time and go through the list, there will surely be some good reminders for us all as to how we can better ourselves InshAllah.

 Have I:
ü  Made intention to fast and ate Suhoor on time
ü  Prayed all 5 prayers on time
ü  Read Quran today
ü  Read a book/excerpt about Islam or Ahmadiyyat
ü  Read one hadith of the Holy Prophet pbuh
ü  Forgave somebody who made us angry or hurt us
ü  Smiled at someone
ü  Been kind to my family/spouse/friends
ü  Avoided gossip and idle talk
ü  Sacrificed a show/movie/other form of entertainment in order to pray/read Quran
ü  Did not argue or swear today
ü  Fed a hungry person or neighbor
ü  Made a charitable donation/Sadqa
ü  Did not waste food
ü  Prayed Taraveeh prayer
ü  Went to the Masjid for prayer
ü  Memorized a Surah that I do not know/may have forgotten
ü  Tried to end a fight between two people/family members
ü  Shared kind words/prayers with loved ones

May Allah enable us all to not only abstain from eating and drinking during our fasts, but also from negative mindsets and tendencies. May Allah give us the strength to make sacrifices for the sake of Allah. May Allah enable us all to shrink our egos, open our minds and soften our hearts during this blessed month of Ramadhan. Ameen


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Event Report: Demystifying Islam- Holy Quran Exhibition and #JeSuisHijabi Campaign

The Mississauga West chapter of Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Association held a very successful Demystifying Islam Event, which included the Holy Quran Exhibition along with a #JeSuisHijabi campaign at the South Common Community Centre on Saturday, May 14th. Both of these events have been held across Canada to bring awareness to the people of Canada and across the world that Islam really is a beautiful and peaceful religion. The purpose of this event is to remove misconceptions that the media relays about Islam and women, through exhibiting the Holy Quran. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at is a dynamic, fast growing international revival movement in Islam. Founded in 1889, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at spans over 200 countries. Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at is the only Islamic organization to believe that the long-awaited Messiah has come in person of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(AS) (1835-1908).

Holy Quran Exhibition 
The Exhibition showcased Holy Quran translated into different languages, which makes it easy for the reader of any culture or creed to understand and comprehend it. The Holy Quran is the same scripture that was revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him), 1400 years ago, nothing has been changed or altered since then. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has translated the Holy Quran into 74 different languages including Braille. Sidra Saeed, one of the volunteers, stated 

“Understanding the Quranic teachings has become an urgent need in the society due to the large number of atrocities committed in the name of Islam through terrorist organization”. She went on to say “this open house allowed visitors to ask questions, regarding various misconceptions of Islam and women”.

The #JeSuisHijabi campaign was launched by Ahmadiiya Muslim Jama’at Canada in December 2015,in light of attacks on Canadian Mosques and assaults on Canadian Muslim women. It is imperative that Canadians across the country stand united in the face of these senseless acts of intolerance. The #JeSuisHijabi campaign has been reported and telecasted throughout Canada. Many guest were very eager to find out why women wear the Hijab, is it forced upon them or is it a choice. Women wear the Hijab to cover up any natural beauty, which is apparent. Hijab was worn by women of all major religions, for instance Mary, mother of Jesus, is portrayed in many pictures with a head covering. Orthodox Jewish women cover their heads after they are married, although they shave their head and must wear a wig, because natural hair is portrayed as beauty. One guest remarked by saying “I have always found women who wear the Hijab so much more beautiful than the ones who don’t.”  Another young woman commented how she admires our strength and our ability to hold onto our faith despite the constant backlash that Muslims tend to receive. Hijab is not forced on the woman; it is by choice or habit that she wears it. Saadia Malik one of the volunteers said

“I had the privilege of speaking to many guest who were interested to know why I chose to wear the Hijab, and how I maintain my faith and my beliefs in this current atmosphere of political upheaval and general Islamophobia.” This campaign hopes to give Canadians an opportunity to hear from Muslim women first-hand and understand what their faith and identity means to them.

Many of the guests who attended were very interested in learning about Islam and its true teachings. They walked through the Holy Quran and the literature booths, before asking questions. Some guests tried on the Hijab and were impressed how good they looked.

The guest left with a positive attitude towards Islam, they were so enlightened and grateful to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Association for organizing such an event that has made them aware of Islam in a whole different aspect. The guests were given literature on Islam. Saadia Malik said,“It was so refreshing to see so many people who were so interested in learning about Islam.”

Ahmadiyya Women's Association hopes to hold many more events like this one in Mississauga to allow for our fellow Canadians to come together and engage in a peaceful dialogue to better understand the Islamic faith.


Also posted on: E-Local Post


Friday, April 29, 2016

Event: Demystifying Islam - Holy Quran Exhibition and #JeSuisHijabi

Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Association Mississauga is hosting the annual Holy Qur’an exhibition, at the South Common Community Center and Library. This exhibition is unique and authentic as the Holy Qur'an is printed in various languages, which makes it is easy for the reader to understand and learn the Qur'an. The public is invited to come and get hands on experience for themselves. 

The purpose of the exhibition is two-fold. First, to dispel myths and misconceptions about Islam and the Qur’an, and secondly, to allow the public to “see for themselves” what is written in the Qur’an. Visitors will also have an opportunity to learn more about Hijab and the spiritual purpose it serves as well as a chance to "try it on for themselves".

 With terrorist groups such as ISIS and Boko Haram citing Islamic tradition as the basis for their vicious crimes against humanity; peaceful and moderate Muslims are trying to counter their narrative by presenting the true Islamic perspective, through such exhibitions, inter-faith dialogues, peace conferences and outreach activities.

The exhibition will run on the 14th of May, 2016 from 2:30-5:30PM. It is an open house and all are welcome. Come and join us for a breathtaking experience of the Holy Quran.

Love for All Hatred for None
