Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Prayers advised by Khalifatul Masih (may Allah be his helper) - Wallpapers

In the Friday Sermon of October 7, 2016, on the event of Jalsa Salana Canada 2016, Khalifatul Masih V Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper) advised two prayers to be recited regularly.

He said: 
“This prayer has been accepted from the day one. This prayer has been accepted ever since God taught it. Don't live a life of carelessness. This prayer has been taught to be accepted. We should recite this prayer seriously. Hopefully, a person will not face an overpowering calamity if he is not passing his life carelessly. No calamity arrives without a consent. As this prayer was taught to me: "O my lord, everything is subservient to you. So my Lord protect me, help me and have mercy upon me". This prayer should also be frequently recited.”
Hence, we created wallpapers that will allow for you to recite these prayers more often- which is every time you check your phones or work on your laptops.

We hope you benefit from it, Insha’Allah.

Available formats are: Android, iPhone 6, iPhone 5 and HD Desktop wallpaper.


iPhone 5

iPhone 6
HD Desktop


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