Monday, November 30, 2015

About Us

The Mississauga Lajna blog endeavours to write narratives of the true image of Islam via articles and letters through Jihad of the Pen whilst sharing opinions on the world happenings. It also consists of updates of the events and happenings of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Canada. Comprised of women of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Canada’s Mississauga chapter, our diverse writers include homemakers, doctors, graphic artists, political scientists, accountants and plethora of other professions. We strive to the best of our abilities to demonstrate Islamic teachings through critical thinking and argumentation.
In 1922, the second Caliph to the Promised Messiah (as), Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmood Ahmad (ra) founded the women auxiliary – Lajna Ima’illah (Maid servants of Allah) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association for women aged 15 and above. He published an open letter called ‘Ahmadi Ladies of Qadian’ urging women, to realise and fulfil their potential. He believed that, “The efforts of our women along with our men are equally necessary for attaining the objective of our creation.” In order to achieve this Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II (may Allah be pleased with him) encouraged all women to read and endeavour to abide by the Charter of Aims.
He felt that a vigorous participation of Ahmadi women was as essential for the success of the Community as that of men, and started activating them for this purpose. In pursuance of this objective in 1922, he wrote a letter to some prominent ladies in the community, detailing therein the role which Ahmadi women should play to make Islam go ahead. He called upon them to form an association to help the resurgence of Islam whilst educating its members to live according to Islamic teachings and serve their fellow human beings with love, compassion and forbearance.
The members of Lajna Ima’illah include high academic achievers and are an integral part of society in the serving as doctors, scientists, teachers and lawyers. Ahmadiyya Muslim Association has been committed to working for progression of Islam, education of women and children, working with humanity and raising funds for numerous projects such as building of mosques, schools, hospitals with an active role in both religious and philanthropic activities.

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