Friday, April 1, 2016

The World Needs to Inculcate Truth and Justice

By: Sidra Saeed

Once again terrorism has stunned a major city of Brussels. An attack that was claimed by ISIS that has claimed lives of at least 30 and injured several others. Every time these so-called jihadist attacks make news headlines, Muslims find a moral obligation to prove that there is nothing Islamic about ISIS, or as I prefer to call them Daesh. I too, find it personally grotesque to hear of these where terrorists murder innocent civilians in the name of God, who in the Quran is mentioned countless times as, “The Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful”. The matter of the fact is that these attacks are solely geopolitical than religious. All these terrorist organisations have thrived in countries that are politically instable. Dictators in these Muslim-majority countries have suppressed its people of basic human rights, free speech, illiberal attitudes and the root cause of all of this being injustice. This has been repeatedly talked about by the virtuous and true Caliph of Islam, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad the head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community who along with millions of followers in more than 200 countries is ardently paving the path for reconciliation. He has been a tireless advocate of global peace and principle of true justice and the peaceful teachings of true Islam. The content of his numerous speeches and vital addresses to world leaders have been penned down in his book ‘World Crisis: Pathway to Peace’. However, in these trying times of the world it has become imperative now more than ever, for political leaders to inculcate truth and justice- for it is the foundation of a more harmonious and peaceful world.


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