Friday, December 4, 2015

My Religion is Islam; Their's is Mockery

By: Maria Ahmed

Have you heard of a religion that promotes violence, death, and bloodshed? ...Unfortunately, I have. The name of this so-called "religion" is mockery and it thrives on defaming Islam by using it as a tool to promote ruthless acts that any true Muslim would condemn. These impostors are better known as ISIS.

Islam means peace, yet the impostors continue to kill.
Islam promotes selflessness for humanity, yet they continue to torture.
Islam stands for harmony, yet they continue to discriminate.
Islam leaves death to the will of God, yet they continue to commit suicide bombings.
Islam is not synonymous with terrorism, yet the terrorists continue to call themselves Muslims.
These impostors have been attempting to forge Islam as a religion of mass violence for far too long. And in light of the recent terror attacks in Paris, let it be clear that this was not an 'Islamic attack'. 
The statements released by ISIS claiming responsibility for the Paris attacks are not only sickening; however, they boast a so-called “Islamic” ideology. Interestingly enough, the word ‘Islam’ means ‘peace’; thus, contradicting the actions of ISIS and the movement itself. The ideology they so proudly flaunt is purely radical; far from Islam or any other religion. It is the ill fortune of these armed men to have painted Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (saw) with their own false perceptions. The God they claim to follow is not our beloved Allah. Our Lord has provided us with the following teaching in the Quran: "...And kill not the life which Allah has made sacred. (Chapter 6: Verse 152)." Furthermore, the Prophet they claim to follow is not the Prophet of Islam. Our Prophet was a man who never raised his voice, prayed for all of humankind, forgave even his worst enemies, and treated each and every human being with utmost love and respect. How can he be the same man to promote violence and bloodshed, let alone support it in any way? 
Quite unfairly, ISIS is described as a “terrorist group led by Muslims". Based on the details of Islam discussed above, it is obvious that a movement of this sort is strictly forbidden in Islam. Therefore, the impostors who took the lives of an astounding number of individuals in Paris are not Muslims. This attack was not religious, nor was it ‘Islamic’. It never is. Sadly, these attacks are committed by the impostors against humanity, peace, and harmony - characteristics that are not only rooted in Islam, but are common on a global scale. Their ruthless attacks continue to cost the lives of hundreds of innocent individuals. And now, we mourn their loss. 
My heart goes out to those who have lost their loved ones, have been injured, and have had the misfortune of witnessing this grotesque attack. I pray for those who must bear the burden of laying their child's grave, have become physically disabled, and are now mentally unstable. As a human being, a sister, a daughter, and a friend, I, too, grieve your loss. As a Muslim, I, too, stand with you against these impostors. 



  1. V good wrote up..... And it's true.... Islam itself is against all acts of terrorism !!!!

  2. V good write up..... And it's true.... Islam itself is against all acts of terrorism !!!!
