Monday, December 7, 2015

Unity and Dialogue - Vital to Fight Terrorism

By: Saadia Malikk

Letter written in response to: +The Associated Press and +Toronto Star's report FBI investigating California mass shooting as act of terrorism

The mere thought of a well off, newly married couple with a young child, attacking a group of innocent people with rounds upon rounds of bullets, is truly unfathomable. While the true motives behind this immoral attack remain unknown, it is important for us to keep a few things a mind. Firstly, we must be cognizant of the information that is being reported by abstaining from grouping these malicious attackers into the same category as millions of Muslims who like everyone else, are extremely upset by this senseless act of violence. Instead, these attackers should be grouped with all of the other violent attackers, regardless of their faith or cultural background, who have committed similar senseless acts of violence. Secondly, we must all play an active role in voicing our opinions and denouncing the NRA and American gun laws. Lastly, we must remember that at times like these when it can be so easy to become divided, it is tremendously vital for us all to remain unified and engage in an exchange of dialogue. Without this discourse, ill-advised assumptions will be formulated, and we will end up falling victim to the irrational fears and discord that extremists ultimately thrive on.


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